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Normal has arrived!

A string of deaths ravish a small Maine town and the residents suspect it may be more than coincidence. Quarreling brothers, an exotic dancer with a troubled past, and a single mom discover themselves at the center of the town’s despair. Plagued by troubling dreams, a young, happy-go-lucky autistic boy may be the key to them finding answers. Who will be the next victim? Can they band together to protect the young boy while facing an evil threatening to tear the fabric of reality in two?

Normal is the first novel I've released in two years. I have released several short stories and a short story collection during that time. But, there is something amazing and extra special about a novel release. I'm excited about this and how it came out.

Writing is a passion, something you pour yourself into and spent countless hours trying to get right. So, each release is an exciting and anxious time. Will people like it, are the going to give it a chance and check it out? These along with a dozen other questions run through your head.

Also, a novel has a lot of behind the scenes people who help shape it into what it is. I'd like to take a second to thank some of those people.

Andy Eisentrager-who beta read and also helped do the proof edit on the book. Your suggestions and advice were instrumental in helping shape the book.

Kristy Metzgar, C.J George & Lucas Brilliot-My Beta readers who gave me a lot of valuable feedback. It was also a huge source of encouragement.

Jeremy Flagg & Corey Norman-Your suggestions and feedback on the blurb and cover design were instrumental in helping me get it all put together. I appreciate your patience and encouragement with my repeated annoying questions about what looked best.

Last but not least, Jes Mallory-Your advice and input were key components in helping bring the characters to life. I appreciate you taking the time to answer my questions. And thank you for being an awesome friend, who I miss. Hopefully, we'll get to hang out again in person one day again.

Thank you everyone for the continued support. I hope you all enjoy the book. Just click on the image to go to the amazon kindle page. Just $3.99, or you can also snag the paperback version for $9.99.


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