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Average Joe's Drive-In & Updates

Sorry for the lack of updates. I have been working on a couple projects, one writing related, one not.

I did submit a short story for an anthology. I should know by September if it was accepted or not. I've got my fingers crossed, I think it's very good, so I have high hopes. Other than that, I have been working on the a Non-Fiction project and a screenplay. Neither which are ready to be talked about yet. The only thing I can say is the Non-Fiction project should be released by the end of the year. Once I have it wrapped up and in the editing stage I will give you all more information on it.

I also want to mention that the indiegogo campaign Cemetery Theater was running to help with funding the film adaption of my short story CHUM was successful. Thank you to everyone who donated. I'm very excited about it. Based on their previous works I know they'll do a fantastic job.

The other project I wanted to talk a bit about is the Podcast I started about a month ago. It's called Average Joe's Drive-In. You can find it on, Itunes, Podbean and most major podcast apps. There are also some episodes on YouTube, with more going on there soon. So far, I am having a blast with it. I just wrapped up episode #010 this past weekend. It covers all things arts & entertainment related with a slight focus on Movies. I have a lot of awesome talented friends in various facets of art. So it has been fun talking with them and getting to hear a different perspective on things. Not to mention it gives me a another reason to chat with some of my friends I don't get to chat with in person on a regular basis. So double win for me.

You can follow the Facebook page here.

Now that Summer is starting to wind down, I should be back to updating the site on a regular basis. At the very least every other week.

As always, thank you for the support and please continue to spread the word.


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