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Average Joe's Drive-In Turns One, New Music, and writing updates...

So, I have been working on a lot of creative stuff. Here is a little rundown of what has been going on since the last time I checked in on the blog.

Average Joe's Drive-In continues to grow and expand:

The next episode (#076) is the one year anniversary of the show. It's very exciting for me to see how the show has grown and improved since I first started. I'd like to thank everyone who has made the last year so fun by being guest and all of you who continue to tune into the show each week.

I've begun working on a new Ghost In The Darkness album:

This is a project that has largely been dormant for several years. I haven't released a new track since 2015, but decided I really wanted to get back into making music again. It's a good outlet as it requires just myself to do it. I can work on when I have time and the creative urge strikes. I've put a link up if you want to check it out. For those of you familiar with my work in Tomorrow's Tragedy, In The Kingdom Of Nightmares & Salvo, this is very different from that. More electronic based. I've been told by several people that it's very John Carpenter esq. That is a huge compliment IMHO as I'm a massive fan of Carpenter's work as both a filmmaker and musician. Some of it is instrumental, some has vocals and it ranges in tone and style. I'm currently gunning for a new EP of material out by Fall and maybe....(and this is a big maybe) a few live performances if I can figure out a way to make it interesting.

Filming has begun on CHUM:

Cemetery Theater has begun production on their adaption of my short story CHUM which is featured in my short story collection Into Darkness. It is also available for kindle on Amazon. It's still early in the process, but there will be updates as that goes along.

I've been working on several screenplays:

I've had a lot of ideas lately and they've been coming to me more in the form of screenplays so that's what I have been mostly focusing y attention on. I have no idea what will become of any of them, but hopefully they'll get made at some point.

Writing has been slow going:

Regular novel/short story writing has been sporadic and slow. I have several short stories in the can and several that need editing and reworking. I plan on putting out a new short story collection sometime before winter if all goes well. I need a few more pieces to make it whole, so we'll see how the process goes over the next several months. These stories aren't all horror, some are sci-fi & fantasy. It should make for an interesting collection. I do have a few ideas floating around for novel length stuff, but we'll see how those pan out.

As I always say, I need to start making the website a bit more of a priority, but I'll be truthful, it's not at the top of the creative food-chain for me most of the time. We'll see if I can get back to actually utilizing it more often.

Thank you for all the continued support!


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